Morse Taper Collet MT1 MT2 MT3 MT4
What is a Morse taper used for?
The Morse taper (MK) (also: Morse taper or location sleeve) is the standardized form of a tool taper for clamping tools in the tool holder of a machine tool. The torque transmission from the hollow taper of the driven tool spindle to the shank of the tool clamping in it is frictionally engaged by static friction.
What is the difference between Morse taper 1 and 2 Morse taper?
A: # 1 Morse Taper is 0.369 on the small end going up to 0.475 over a 2 9/16'' taper length. #2 Morse Taper is 0.572 on the small end going up to 0.700 over a 3 1/8'' taper length. Number 2 Morse taper is the most common size used with woodworking lathes.
How do you size a Morse taper?
Measuring only the largest diameter of the hole at the face (or gage line) of the spindle is all you need to find the correct MT size. Shanks can also be identified by the gage diameter, but since the entire shank is accessible, the small diameter, length and taper per inch can be measured as well.
How do I identify my Morse taper?
This is easily determined by measuring the inside diameter of the spindle. Dimensions may vary slightly according to the depth of the taper, but should be near to the size stated. MT1 (12mm approx.) MT2 (18mm approx.)